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Toggle Price

ARPrice provides a very unique customizable toggle price facility having various options and styles.

Enable Toggle Price

First of all, switch ON the enable toggle price option of your template. After that, you will able to change content, styles and other options of toggles.

ARPrice - Toggle Price

Copy First Tab Data To Other Tabs

ARPrice reduces your work by adding the same content to each step’s all sections through this option. Click on the Copy button and confirm your action to copy your first tab content to all other tabs for each section.

Toggle Button Style

ARPrice provides five awesome toggle button styles. Select one of the following styles here and see instantly at the editor how it will look.

  • Switch Style
  • Radio Style
  • Border Button Style
  • Slide Button Style
  • Stepy Style

Mobile View Style

Here you can change toggle-style by following styles for mobile view only.

  • Stack: This will look the same as in desktop view but in a single column.
  • Dropdown: This will display the dropdown with all steps label as options in it.

Vertical Space

Here you can change vertical space in pixels between template columns and toggle.


This is optional to display the title for toggles. If you no need to display any title you can keep this blank.

Title Position

Change your toggle title position to left, right or top.

Toggle Steps

You can extend toggle steps up to 8 steps in ARPrice.

Tabs Label

Change labels for each number of steps you have selected for the toggle. Click on the right button to Add Font Awesome Icons, Material Design Icons, Typicons and Ionicons in the label.

Another Radio button labeled as Set As Default is placed after each tabs label inputs. Select this option for which step you want active default at front.