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Import Data

Please note that, Once you confirm to import new table data then your current table data will be overwritten and will not be restored.

In some of the cases, you may need the same content from your saved templates to different styled templates. ARPrice let you get all content from other template and import in your different styled template easily within seconds and save your much time.

Your current pricing table must be saved before import data from other templates.

When you click on the Import Data option in the editor, you will get pop-up where you can select one of your saved templates from listing and click on the Continue button.

ARPrice - Import Data

Now, in the next step, you’ll see differences between features exist in your current template and other selected template from where you want to import data. After comparing features if you are sure to import data then click on the Import button.

ARPrice - Import Data

Finally, in just a few seconds you will get your current table with imported data from another template.

Please note that, Once you confirm to import new table data then your current table data will be overwritten and will not be restored.