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Column Settings

ARPrice provides effective functionality to manage individual columns easily. There are lots of functionality as described below:

Drag and Drop Column (Rearrange Column)

You can rearrange columns by just simply drag and drop in the editor according to your needs.

ARPrice - Drag and Drop Column

Add New Column

ARPrice allows you to add Unlimited columns, so you can add columns easily by just click on Add New Column.

This will add column with same settings of last column.

Column Level Options

When you hover on a column in the editor, you will get column level options buttons visible on top of the column from where you can customize or delete your column. Let’s see each column level options in detail.

Column Settings :

At column level options the first option of the column settings where you’ll see the number of options to customize your column as below,

ARPrice - Column General Options

You can navigate to the next column or previous column for the same option by click on arrows given below at the options box.

Background Image

You may require to set an image as background to give better look to your column then please click on the right side which will open a box where you can select the image.

There is another option available for whether you want to scale your uploaded image and set a position to fit in the column or do not want to scale image.

Highlight Column

Please check this option if you required to highlight a particular column. The highlighted column has a set hover effect at the front which you can also see in the preview.

Add Ribbon

You can add a ribbon to the package column from here. ARPrice provides plenty of options for the ribbon. Ribbons are based on CSS. No images used. You can set ribbon text, ribbon background color, ribbon text color, it’s position and much more.

ARPrice also provides a Custom Ribbon option where you can set Image as ribbon according to your requirements.

If you wish to use custom ribbon then please select custom ribbon option from Ribbon Style. You will have Custom Ribbon option visible where you can to add image file. You will have another option visible Custom Position to set position from Left or Right and Top.

If you enabled toggle price then there will be options to add custom ribbon or ribbon text for default ribbons for each toggle step.

You are also able to remove ribbon later by just click on Remove Ribbon.

ARPrice - Ribbon Options

Post Variables

As you can see in the above picture ARPrice provides facility to Post Variables. Here you have textarea where you can add your variables and it’s value. You are allowed to add multiple variables separated by a semicolon.

If you enabled toggle price then there you can set variables for each toggle steps.

For Example
Post Variables

At caption column,

For the Caption tables, you will get different options to customize the caption column of your pricing table. Following are options available at caption column settings,

  • Width

    This is optional but if you want custom width for caption column then you can add width in pixels here.

  • The set border on your caption column by changing Border Size, Border Style and border side like left, right, top, bottom at Borders.

Background and Font Colors :

The second column level option is for changing colors and hover colors for each section of the particular column with unlimited colors. So now you may change Background and Text Color for each section of your particular column from here. The same options are also available for hover colors.

Following sections are included for which you may change colors,

  • Header
  • Pricing
  • Footer
  • Button
  • Odd rows
  • Even rows

ARPrice - Background and Font Color

You can navigate from the current column to the next column or previous column for the same options by click on arrows given below in the options box.

Hide/Show Column :

Click here to hide your particular column in frontend. When you click on this third column level option you will see the blurred effect on the hidden column in editor. If the column is already hidden then it will make your column visible and remove blurred effect in the editor.

Duplicate Column :

TThe fourth column level option provides the facility to duplicate your particular column if you want to add a new column with the same content and settings of the particular column. This facility of ARPrice prevents your lots of time and reduces rework on the new column and add a clone of a particular column.

Delete Column :

At last, you have the option to delete any particular column. As you can see in the following picture on click this option you will be asked for confirmation before delete column.

ARPrice - Add, Duplicate and Delete Column

CSS Class Information :

This option is visible at last only if you have turned ON CSS class info from Custom CSS. By clicking on this option at particular column, you will get all CSS class information for that particular column.