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Description Settings

ARPrice provides some templates with one more section of column description where you can add content, media and font icons. When you hover on column description of a particular column in the editor you will find Column Description Settings option visible. Click on that to an open box of the following options.

ARPrice - Column Description Settings

Column Description :

Add/change the content of the column description from here ( for each toggle step if toggle price is enabled ). Also, add media or font icons in column description from bottoms options there.

Add Media :

On click here, you will get pop-up where you can select/upload an image and customize dimension in pixel. Click on the Add button to add your selected image into your column description.

Add Font Icon :

On click here, you will get pop-up where you can select an icon from lots of icons listed of the following types. When you click on any icon you will be able to customize the size of the icon and add an icon into your column description.

ARPrice provides following icons,

  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Material Design Icons
  • Typicons
  • Ionicons

Select/Upload WordPress Media

If your WordPress version is greater then 4.4, please make sure File URL is chosen at Link URL option while selecting WordPress media. Following screen-shots will help you to understand better.

The following window will be there while selecting WordPress media. The file URL will be blank if None is chosen.

ARPrice - Media Settings

You need to click on File URL button so your Link URL input will have media link filled and following window will be there now.

ARPrice - Media Settings