A/B Testing

A/B testing (also known as split testing or bucket testing) is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app against each other to determine which one performs better. AB testing is essentially an experiment where two or more variants of a page are shown to users at random, and statistical analysis is […]

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Global Settings

All other general settings common for all templates can be found here. Let’s see each in detail. Global Custom CSS Here you are able to add Custom CSS which can be applied globally in your site. Here you need to add your custom CSS with your element class or id as in following example. For […]

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Import ARPrice lite version templates

ARPrice 3.2 will provide the facility to import the templates from the lite version of ARPrice. To use this feature you should have installed and active ARPrice Lite 2.0 or higher. If you meet the above requirement then you’ll find a section in ARPrice Import/Export page. Where your ARPrice lite version templates are listed. You […]

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Import-Export Templates

ARPrice has a separate page where you can export inbuilt templates as well as your customized pricing tables and import your previously exported templates. Export Pricing Tables Here is the list of all inbuilt templates as well as your customized templates. Inbuilt pricing table will have a prefix like Table:: and your customized pricing tables […]

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Publish Your Pricing Table

Let’s see different ways to publish your pricing table of ARPrice in this section. There are two basic ways which as described in the following. WordPress Pages/Posts ARPrice facilitates you to display pricing table into your WordPress page or post by just placing Short code at there. ARPrice Short code can be retrieved from pricing […]

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Pricing Table Preview

ARPrice provides a real-time preview of the pricing table. It also provides facility to view template in a responsive layout. After making necessary changes, you will able to view your template preview either of 3 ways: As you have seen at Template Selection section you will able to preview originally provided template from the list […]

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